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Question:Can any one tell me what its like at Solo & Ensemble. I perform this Saturday, and I'm so nervous. I have to do a solo with a pianist. Any tips on how to not be so nervous?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can any one tell me what its like at Solo & Ensemble. I perform this Saturday, and I'm so nervous. I have to do a solo with a pianist. Any tips on how to not be so nervous?

I participated in S&E all four years I was in high school. I would love to be able to say I wasn't nervous, but it really is scary putting yourself out to be judged like that. Generally though, the audition is very quiet and private. Here are a couple tips:

-No matter how prepared you are, you will make some kind of mistake... you are judged on how well you handle making mistakes just as much as you are judged on skill and talent.

-Do not, under any circumstances, try to start a song over just because you make a mistake.... just keep going.

-If you tend to fidgit with your hands, hold a paperclip in each hand. Hand movement is very distracting. I had this problem, and an adjudicator was the one who passed the paperclip tip on to me.

-Keep your chin up and smile before you begin. Try to reflect the feelings expressed in the song on your face.

-Make sure you introduce yourself. "My name is Katie Smith. I will be singing Nessum Dorma from the opera Turandot by Giacomo Puccini. I will be accompanied by Laura James." Try to keep it simple, and in that basic format.

Whether or not you win, you are gaining valuable experience. Jump in, the water's great, and have fun!

Well, I went to one in fifth grade. I was nervous at first. My friend Megan and I were doing a clarinet duet. When we got to the place, we looked on the board to see what time we played and who to go to. What calmed me down were two things: one= there were so many other kids there, trying to do so good, i just pretended like i was performing for my band teacher on a normal day. the second thing= the teacher i was scheduled to play for had a hilarious name, Mr. Pigg! My mom, Megan and her mom figured that he was more embarrased than us because all of these kids would be making fun of his name! I know you'll do great, Cassie! just don't think of it as a contest, think of it as a normal practice day.

Since you have a pianist, you'll be much less nervous than if you had to go alone. I participate in my schools All County festivals every year. My audition this year was extremely important and therefore, i was extremely nervous. I was auditioning alone. I went in the judging room and told my adjudicator straight out that i was a nervous wreck. She laughed and said I was extremely brave for admitting that. To make me more comfortable, she just talked to me for a few minutes so I got to know her. She told me about some breathing excersizes. One of them involved breathing from your stomach not your chest. Last year at All County, I was nervous and didn't say anything to my judge. I was so shaky that my vibrato was amazing! It sounded awesome. But last year my judge talked and made me feel like she was just a normal friend. My 15 minute audition lasted 45 minutes. =]

have fun & good luck!

I'm also doing it this Saturday!
I've done this for 3 years now and at first a was nervous too. One tip would be you don't have to keep up with your pianist there paid to keep with you and they're not being judged only your will be. Just concentrate on the music and keep it flowing. Also don't look at your audience just play to impress them that will make you not as nervous. Good luck!!!! what do you play by the way?