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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Opinions from those with 'artistic' careers about their jobs?

Question:Hey, I am interested in the arts (acting, dancing, singing, music, directing, ect). I would appreciate any information, opinions, and resources for careers in these catagories...
Any help would be great!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey, I am interested in the arts (acting, dancing, singing, music, directing, ect). I would appreciate any information, opinions, and resources for careers in these catagories...
Any help would be great!

Well, I'm a college professor who teaches in all of those areas--and I've worked as a performer (musician, actor) and I've also worked as a critic for music, film, food, etc.

If you're interested in a career as a creative artist, great. Now pick your area. Many develop a reputation in more than one art form, but they break through in one of them first, and then they find the resources to pursue a second or third.

Careers in the different art forms come with different degrees of opportunity. In acting/directing, only 1 out of 10 who start out with that career goal will make it; the rest will fall into other careers. Music careers can be more stable if you're willing to teach. Writing encompasses so wide a range that at one end (poet) you're likely to starve and at another end (journalism or technical writing) you'll make a reliable living.

The resource for any career as a creative artist is a good bachelor of fine arts program at a university. Unless, of course, you're that rare 1 in ten million genius who can make it without formal instruction or contacts.

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