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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do any musicians out there know how to count in 3-2 time?

Question:you know like in 4-4 its like 1,2,3,4 for a measure? well what is a measure like in 3-2. so how many beats are in a 3-2 measure and how do you count that out?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you know like in 4-4 its like 1,2,3,4 for a measure? well what is a measure like in 3-2. so how many beats are in a 3-2 measure and how do you count that out?

1 2 3.

In a time signature, the top number is beats in a measure, the bottom note is what kind of note gets one beat. So, in 3-2 time, a half note would get one beat.

It is twice as fast as 6-4 and it is just like one-two-three

Right. In 3/2 time the half note gets the beat and there are three beats to the measure. So, then, when subdividing, the "and" of each beat will be the quarter note.