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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Have you seen the High School Musical Play?

Question:Well I auditioned for it and got Mrs. Tenny..I think she's the chemistry teacher..But what is her character like?

Does she have alot of lines? *I doubt it*

What does she do? How is she important?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well I auditioned for it and got Mrs. Tenny..I think she's the chemistry teacher..But what is her character like?

Does she have alot of lines? *I doubt it*

What does she do? How is she important?


Yes, I have seen this play dozens of times- I was the Production Stage Manager for a professional theatre that did it this summer- so I've seen it more than I ever wanted.

Ahh, Mrs. Tenny- I played her voice. Our production simply used a voiceover for her character instead of actually having her appear onstage.

So you're right. She's not a huge character. She's got three or four lines, but you can still have a lot of fun with her. Her lines are one of the first kind things that Gabrielle hears at her new school. Tenny praises her and tells her that she has a lot of potential.

Congrats on getting a speaking role!

No. No, I have not.