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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Where can I buy a small Piano in Southern California/Los Angeles area?

Question:My 5 yr old is starting private lessons next month. I know nothing about pianos but I have a small house. What is the smallest possible piano I can buy. I want to try and stay away from keyboards.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My 5 yr old is starting private lessons next month. I know nothing about pianos but I have a small house. What is the smallest possible piano I can buy. I want to try and stay away from keyboards.

your 5 year old is starting lessons. good for the both of you. as the parent you want to get everything you can for your children but sometimes can't afford the item or for your lifestyle they are not practical.

you mention a small house and stay away from keyboards in your question. i ask, why no keyboard? of course i will agree that the true feel and sound of the piano are the purest way to go, BUT, you must find at least 5 feet of a wall for the piano to be placed against. you cant' turn down the pounding of the notes. you can't lesson the sound of the mitakes. the noise travels all through the house. and the repetition, of the same notes. over and over and over and over. your bill for aspirin will go up, or make that tylenol 3's. you will prefer that s/he go and play outside than practice daily. the piano will get dusty and then just a piece of furniture to put pictures on top of.

but with a keyboard, it can be easily stored on end, in between the buffet hutch and the freezer, in the closet, or under a bed when not in use. the student can use headphones, (the tone from a keyboard these days is quite realistic) so you can calmly talk on the phone to gramma and tell her how good s/he is getting. s/he can practice quietly while another does research on the computer, and you watch, and 'listen!' to, 'that' movie on dvd or tv.

the teacher will have a real piano so s/he will be getting the feel and tone of the true piano. many community centers have pianos that the public may use. use the keyboard for convenience of space, noise, portability and for repetitive practice until the fingers go where they should at the right time. then go practice on the community piano to perfect the piece. granted some keyboards are better than others, so if you get one, make sure that the keys are the same size as a piano, or get an electronic piano like we use in our church. full piano sized keyboard with sound options, but you could just get a piano only.

but if you insist on getting a real piano, you may only have to pay a mover and tuner to get one in top shape. look on craigslist for your city and then about in the center of the screen you will find the word FREE. look in there every day. in my city i often see a piano being offered - just come and take it away. now you need a truck and four strong men, with food and drink to feed them. on second thought maybe just buy one and have it delivered. could they eat that much? but really, you can get one free if you just look, and are willing to put in some effort. or someone else's effort for you

Then buy a spinet, that's as small as you can key without getting a portable keyboard..The best thing to do is look in your phone book....some even sell second hand piano's. If you can't find any in your phone book then call your local music store they'll be able to steer you in the right direction, good luck, I hope this helps you !!!!!!! bye !!!!!! P.S. Also watch your local papers, I see pianos all the time in our local paper, also check the bulletin board in your local super market !!!!!!!!