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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Who else loves the circus?

Question:I do and I am 45yrs old. But now I can take my granddaughter and get away with it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I do and I am 45yrs old. But now I can take my granddaughter and get away with it.

i do w00 w00 im the professional bmxer in the circus i call my neighborhood lol

"Damn everything but the circus." -- e e cummings

I luv the circus..... but never attend anymore....

The last time I went to the circus I was around I don't really remember anything. =/

i love the circus but i don't like it when theres elephants or zebra's in it cuz do you know what they do to them to get them to do that stuff? it's bad.

I love circuses. Especially the animal acts. While some circusus are bad, I can assure you that not all of them are. Most animal care takers love their animals and give them the best care possible. Many circuses use possitive reinforcement while training their animals. This is the eaquivalent of you telling your dog to sit then giving him a treat. Animal rights groups tend to take one situation and then say that everybody does it. This is like saying every body hits their horse or ties their dog to a tree. It is just not true.

The thing about animal rights groups like PETA and the HSUS is that they are not what they claim to be. They believe in total animal liberation which means that they think that there should be no circuses, zoos (even AZA), laboratories (even medical), farms, service dogs, police dogs, and PETS of any kind. They believe that animals are better off DEAD then living with even the best pet owner.

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) collected millions of dollars from individuals to save the animals during Katrina. They did not use the money to do that though. They are currently under investigation for it. What most people do not realize about HSUS is that they are not your local animal shelter. None of the money that they raise goes to the local animal shelter. It has also been provened that PETA uses its money to kill animals and support terrorist groups like the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) who has a tendency to blow up buildings to get their point across.