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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do i make pitch on my clarinet better?

Question:i guess i have horrible pitch on high notes, and they sound 'tinny'. (so my band director says) how can i make it better?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i guess i have horrible pitch on high notes, and they sound 'tinny'. (so my band director says) how can i make it better?

open your throat

use a thicker reed

get a better mouthpiece (<---- will cost a lot, like anywhere from $30-$50), and better quality reeds.

I have to agree that opening your throat will help. I am a singer and played clarinet when I was young. You have to focus the air more and open throat your throat I would think would give a richer tone. Think how your throat opens if you yawn and yet don't open your mouth. That is what you should try as you play a high note.

not only will opening your throat make a difference, but correcting your mouth will do wonders too, so make sure your mouth position is correct.

Mostly the only thing that will help high notes is practice. lots and lots of practice, as you go on you'll notice a fuller sounding note.

also you might just need more air support. you know how if you don't blow enough air, the notes can sound kind of breathy? maybe thats whats holding you back.
and its not just blowing harder, you have to support it with your diaphragm.

You can strengthen your diaphragm muscle by doing breathing exercises such as trying to blow out a candle from far away, or pushing air out using your stomach to push, kind of like pregnancy breathing exercises.

hope i helped, good luck