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Question:when i play bass guitar with my fingers instead of a pick, you can see certain muscles(?) moving on the lower right arm

im very bad with anatomy, so i may be refering to the wrong thing

but in short, what muscles are you exercising when you play bass guitar with your fingers?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: when i play bass guitar with my fingers instead of a pick, you can see certain muscles(?) moving on the lower right arm

im very bad with anatomy, so i may be refering to the wrong thing

but in short, what muscles are you exercising when you play bass guitar with your fingers?

I think those are tendons. The muscle that flexes (my spelling stinks) is the brachiallis of the upper fore arm by the elbow. (put your fingers on it). That moves the fingers when the fingers are straight I think.
When you curl and pluck the fingers you are using the smaller muscles of the fingers instead

Depends on your bass.

You're using all of the muscles in the fingers, hands, and wrists (and the wrist muscles go all the way up the forearm). If you'd like the name for each, check out a copy of Gray's Anatomy or some similar text.

All the muscles and tendons in your left arm and hands !!!!!!
Feel all the way up to your shoulder the next time that you'll see that they all move !!!!!!!