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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Ideas for beauty pageant talent shows?

Question:What can I perform for a beauty pageant talent show apart from the usual things like singing, dancing and magic? I can't really sing and dance. I can draw and paint really well though but don't know how to make it a talent performance...I can act a bit as well but I guess it's kinda boring to act....unless Im the material for comedy acts but Im not....Please help give some ideas!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What can I perform for a beauty pageant talent show apart from the usual things like singing, dancing and magic? I can't really sing and dance. I can draw and paint really well though but don't know how to make it a talent performance...I can act a bit as well but I guess it's kinda boring to act....unless Im the material for comedy acts but Im not....Please help give some ideas!

get a member of the audience up onto stage and draw them, obv it would have to be quite quick and then put it onto a big screen so everyone can see :)

Just get ya baps out for the judges lol

what about doing a really big origami to show if you could make it real quik it would be good

Don't do it, Just accept you are beautiful as a person inside and out. Why try and prove it to a company that makes money out of this trend.

I would do a monologue if you can act!! Do something like Juliet's monologue from the balcony from Romeo and Juliet and just dress in costume for whatever part you do!!