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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What do musicals do for you? I know they entertain you but other than that whats

Question:Well, for me it's a little different... I'm usually on the other side of the curtain.
Having grown up around the theater, for me musicals are a way to try to reach people's cores, to bring them into the play, and to share our excitement with them (and remind them that sometimes being cheesy is OK.)
In addition to combining visual art, sound, and spirit, musicals add a whole new element of expression. There's nothing like music to sweep one into a scene and make the spirit soar.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, for me it's a little different... I'm usually on the other side of the curtain.
Having grown up around the theater, for me musicals are a way to try to reach people's cores, to bring them into the play, and to share our excitement with them (and remind them that sometimes being cheesy is OK.)
In addition to combining visual art, sound, and spirit, musicals add a whole new element of expression. There's nothing like music to sweep one into a scene and make the spirit soar.

the answer is the same as what do movies, songs, poems ect do for you. they are for entertainment, to tell a story and usually teach some kind of moral

For me? Well, they tell a great story, with good characters, and a good plot (by 'they' i mean good musicals) but they entertwine the story with songs, to give you a breather from the hubbub of real life, but to carry the story along.

For enjoyment!