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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Please help me school production!!!!!?

Question:i really want to do the school production this year but you have to go though 3 auditions eg.singing,acting,dancing
i really want to become an actress but i am soo nervous about the singing we just have a piano omg help me!!!!!!!!11

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i really want to do the school production this year but you have to go though 3 auditions eg.singing,acting,dancing
i really want to become an actress but i am soo nervous about the singing we just have a piano omg help me!!!!!!!!11

Okay, so first of all how long do you have to prepare? If you are nervous about the singing get a voice teacher for a lesson or two, they can help you feel more confident.
Be confident, smile, and no one will know you are nervous!

Break a leg!

oh... what a harsh production....
I'm not sure....
I'll suggest that you better learn how to play piano...
if you don't have much time.. then buy one of those electric piano and then if you read manual of that piano then you can find a function that helps you how to play piano... (there is a function that when you play the piano, the light will come out on the keyboard and you have to press them... if you can memorise at least one of them... and maybe you can create your onw song by using the songs on there...
i'm not sure what i'm talking about...(counfused because u have a big problem...)

if you need more help, you can mail me... anytime...!!!!

I used to be a performing artist. I love the feeling of being on stage alone and singing. And if there is really good acoustics you can use it to your advantage. If it helps look towards the spotlight or the back wall, this will give you the impression that nobody is there. Some people do not like being watched and some, like me enjoy being watched. Good luck :-)

Well, first of all... GROW UP... this is the real world now and you can no longer go along thinking you are great... Eventually, you have to PRODUCE and if you can't do THAT.. then you are never going to be famous... which you probably won't be, anyway.

I dont think anyone really likes auditions, its just a matter of putting out a confident persona. Its ok to be nervous, in fact its great, feed from the nervous feeling, sometimes it can make you do better than you would have ever expected.