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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Good dvds which teach guitar?

Question:I am learning acoustic guitar and I have to teach myself because I cannot afford a teacher. Can anyone recconmend a good DVD which teaches guitar??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am learning acoustic guitar and I have to teach myself because I cannot afford a teacher. Can anyone recconmend a good DVD which teaches guitar??

learning from dvd's are really hard.
try just a book, and maybe find someone who knows to show you the very basics.

but in teaching yourself, definatly go for the book.
you dont have to pause a book either, and you can go at your own pace. dvds tend to go too fast for beginners.

Just about any published resource will teach you well. I recommend picking them up from ebay or a used bookstore, getting several, and trying them all. If you accidentally get one that's too advanced for you, just set it aside until you catch up with it.

But I'd try hard to find lessons if I were you. Beginners don't always catch all their mistakes, and if you don't get the fundamentals of hand position and fingering right, you can cause long-term problems--maybe even carpal tunnel or something chronic like that. If nothing else is available, try to find a guitar class at a local community center or community college. A dozen or so lessons ought to get your technique right, then you should be able to continue with books/cds/dvds with less risk.