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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I need a female monologue!!!?

Question:I'm 17 and need a modern female monologue for a college audition. If anyone knows any plays that may have what I'm looking for please feel free to comment. I'm making my trip to the book store in a few days and have been asking around for what I should read through. No Shakespeare ones though, I already have that covered. Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 17 and need a modern female monologue for a college audition. If anyone knows any plays that may have what I'm looking for please feel free to comment. I'm making my trip to the book store in a few days and have been asking around for what I should read through. No Shakespeare ones though, I already have that covered. Thank you!

I actually took a scene from The Crucible and turned it into a monlogue (it's the scene between Mary Warren and the Proctors. it's really nice). The Spoon River Anthology is very contemporary and popular among schools, with TONS of great monologues! The other one I use is the character of the Art Student from a 20-minute play called Aftermath by Jonathan Dorf. It's a bit sarcastic, serio-comedy, and different. I think there are some other ones in that play, too.

Whatever you do, make sure it's relatable to you and that it's not disgustingly overdone (like Anne Frank or something like that. And don't TRY to be too overdramatic. don't act, just be.)

That one monolouge that Scarlett O' Harah says when she promises she'll never be hungry again. It's really dramatic. Well, I hope I helped.

Anything from Tennessee Williams would be good.

His work is amazing, especially "A Streetcar Named Desire" and "The Glass Menengerie."

There's a great monologue in "Joe Egg" that the woman has about her daughter.