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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What's the easiest musical instrument to learn and play competently?

Question:There is no such thing as an easy instument to learn. They all require a great deal of hard work to play competently.

If you think the recorder is easy then try playing Bach on it !

Some instruments are easier for beginners (piano and guitar) but it soon becomes hard at the intermediate and advanced level.

Some instruments are difficult right from day one : violin, viola french horn.

Give up the search for an easy instrument...there isn't one.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is no such thing as an easy instument to learn. They all require a great deal of hard work to play competently.

If you think the recorder is easy then try playing Bach on it !

Some instruments are easier for beginners (piano and guitar) but it soon becomes hard at the intermediate and advanced level.

Some instruments are difficult right from day one : violin, viola french horn.

Give up the search for an easy instrument...there isn't one.

The Triangle!


The tamborine or maraca's

a CD player


Kazzoo, paper and combe or maracca's.

mouth organ


The symbles or the spoons.


the triangle

well sax is easier than a clarinet. a trumpet has only three valves . all require practice . have fun making your choice

Drums (guitar is the hardest, it takes 8 months)

Air Guitar