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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I wanna learn how to beatbox :]?

Question:any tips :] ?

thanks for yer help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: any tips :] ?

thanks for yer help. this webiste has a ton of videos and so does this one! Step 1:
Listen to the music of other beatboxers. Lasse Gjertsen, of "Hyperactive" and "Amateur" fame, as well as Bobbi McFerrin are just two of the fabulous beatboxers out there worth mentioning.

Step 2:
Create a bass drum sound. Do this by pressing your lips together while creating pressure with your tongue and open your jaw. At the same moment you push your tongue forward, close your jaw. By parting your lips at the side momentarily, you let the air escape, making a bass drum sound.

Step 3:
Make a snare drum sound. This is done in a similar fashion as the bass drum, except that you let the air escape from the front your lips, rather than the side. Your lips should also be a little tighter as well. Some beatboxers add an "f" or "sh" sound to further the snare drum effect.

Step 4:
Form a drum machine snare by saying "ish" in a quick, staccato fashion. As you practice, try saying "ish" without adding the "sh". The end result should be almost a grunt at the back of your throat. When you're comfortable with the sound, add the "sh."

Step 5:
Replicate the sounds of a crash cymbal by whispering "chish" while clenching your teeth. Try to say the "ch" and the "sh" without the "i" and you'll have the crash cymbal sound. Create a synthesized cymbal by putting your tongue at the base of your two front teeth. As you keep your lips parted about halfway, breathe in with some force. Close your lips as you breathe in again.

u cant learn how to it is a natural talent some people have.

you can learn by copying others, but make sure when you do it, you do it in a pattern and on beat.

You can change your style as you go along. Later