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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Has anyone read Brighton Beach Memoirs by Neil Simon?

Question:for acting class i have to write a play analysis on this play. the thing is they picked out these plays while i was absent for a week and my partner picked this book. the thing is just got the book today and the analysis is due tomorrow. yes i talked to my teacher and since she's a b**** she said that it was my problem. i think i may have enough time to read it but not to answer the questions. if u know any of these answers please share (in detail). thank you so much!
1.Give a synopsis of the plot of the play
2. What is the theme to the play?
3. What are the main conflicts in this play?
4. Describe the setting (visual impression of the physical environment)
there are other questions but they all have to do with my point of view. if u can answer any one truthfuly and in detail i will give u 12 points. please please please! i wouldnt be doing this under normal circumstances!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: for acting class i have to write a play analysis on this play. the thing is they picked out these plays while i was absent for a week and my partner picked this book. the thing is just got the book today and the analysis is due tomorrow. yes i talked to my teacher and since she's a b**** she said that it was my problem. i think i may have enough time to read it but not to answer the questions. if u know any of these answers please share (in detail). thank you so much!
1.Give a synopsis of the plot of the play
2. What is the theme to the play?
3. What are the main conflicts in this play?
4. Describe the setting (visual impression of the physical environment)
there are other questions but they all have to do with my point of view. if u can answer any one truthfuly and in detail i will give u 12 points. please please please! i wouldnt be doing this under normal circumstances!

Please take time to read the book.

It is a delightful saga of a typical Jewish family, whose lives are intertwined in a nostalgic and humourous fashion by Neil Simon.

To describe the setting would be to go back to that period in the thirties and to a house and street where people of lower middle class lived. A Jewish household then, as it is now was dominated by the father, whose word was law and as well to a mother who ran the household with thrift and love that so characterized the text-book definition of a "jewish mother".

A young teen-age boy, with an older brother and an older aunt lving with his parents and experiencing those hormone urges that all young men endure is the setting for the play.

How the author brings alive the every day situations is the theme of the play.

It is a classic and well deserving of a good read from you even if it means giving up some other activities.

Learn to read fast.Its done by skimming your eyes across the page. Beleive it or not you can still get the meaning of a sentence without ACYTUALLY looking at each word.

Practice this method. It is called SPEED READING.

Many ofus learned to do it just like you in school. I did and was able to go through a full book in an hoiur or so and NOT miss much of the plot.

Good luck.