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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Lead guitar and Bass guitar?

Question:What is the different between in these Lead guitar and bass guitar?
can anyone give 5 different between those guiter .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is the different between in these Lead guitar and bass guitar?
can anyone give 5 different between those guiter .

Your average guitar has 6 strings, while a bass has 4 strings that are one octave lower than the guitar's bottom 4 strings.

The drums are rhythm, the bass connects the rhythm to the harmony, the rhythm guitar provides the harmony while reinforcing the rhythm, and the lead guitar usually plays the melody. Without rhythm and harmony the melody is basically nothing. The song is or at least should be a whole, not just a wanky lead guitar over a rhythm section. But that's a downfall in many less mature players - focusing entirely on trying to be a rockstar and not enough on learning how to be a musician.

Sometimes the bass can carry the melody, just like the concept of a rhythm guitar and a lead are interchangeable, but it isn't very common except in fills or bass solos.

Of course there are differences like the bass guitar having a longer scale length, thicker gauge strings, etc. It is very common for bass guitars to have active pickups, while it is less common for guitars to have active pickups.


thanks saul_sabia Report It

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  • your question suks

    ummm dude??? Bass low sound, lead higher pitch, heard better, sounds cooler. sums it up right there

    A bass guitar usually has 4 (but can have more) strings which are thicker and give a much deeper "bassier" sound.
    Guitars have 6-12 strings and more high-pitched

    If you were to see a song as an animal's body. The BASS guitar would feel the spot of the back-bone, with percussion as part of the skeleton. The Rhythm guitar would be the internals, intestines, flesh, etc. the lead guitar would be the skin, the hair the eyes etc. that people remember. With out the BACKBONE of the Bass and percussion, the hole thing would collapse, without the LEAD, it just wouldn't be pretty. The bass is LOW with THICK strings and the lead is lighter stringed and usually has 6.

    Lead guitar is guitar licks, Hammer-ons, Pull offs, slides, Vibrato, Harmonics, leads, break, appregios, scales, solos, etc.

    Bas is guitar is well...just Bass for holidn down the the main rythym in a song. Drums and Bass are the foundation parts of a song that keep the main beat going. Good luck

    1/bass guitars are more likely to damage light fittings!...due to extra length...2/bass guitars will give you corns and blisters due to thicker strings...3/Playing a bass guitar? are more likely to fall out with the drummer!...if you dont listen properly...4/Bass guitarists are more likely to get told to turn it down!...cos the thunderous noise is hurting my stomach...5/bass guitar string set is more expensive to buy...on a lighter note! bass guitarist) can have a laugh!...when some dumbo asks you to play Apache by the Shadows on it?...

    Do you speak English?

    Lead guitar is the (six-stringed) guitar that carries the main melody. Bass guitar is the (four-stringed, one octave lower, longer-necked) guitar that carries the bass line and is part of the rhythm section with the drummer.

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