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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What would you say about the Council Members on Hairspray?

Question:I'm Brad for our high school musical.
What kind of movements should I make during the roll call and how should I say my name?
Also, how should I act during the other scenes?
What are some adjectives to describe his/their personality?

*Please don't say something like "watch the movie or broadway"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm Brad for our high school musical.
What kind of movements should I make during the roll call and how should I say my name?
Also, how should I act during the other scenes?
What are some adjectives to describe his/their personality?

*Please don't say something like "watch the movie or broadway"

I don't remember Brad specifically, but I CAN tell you this: when you're acting as Brad on TV, you gotta be peppy, peppy, PEPPY because you're on TV and your agent or whoever is insisting that you have to be peppy on camera, like with all the council members! So maybe some moves with jazz hands (look up "jazz hands" if you don't already know what they are) would be appropriate. When you're acting as Brad off TV, you could get sarcastic, as most of the council is stuck-up and sarcastic; your motivation is that you simply gotta be the best there is!!

Hope that helps! Sing your heart out! :)

Brad would probably say his name proudly, unless your director tells you otherwise. (don't worry, unless you have a director that really doesn't care about the production of the show, your director will tell you how he or she wants to to say and do things.) I can picture using a tone similar to what you would say if you were to walk into a room and go, "hey, look who's in the house! [I am!]"