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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Info about guitar strings?

Question:I need to get some info on guitar strings. It is for an electric guitar. I need to know what brand, size and possibly any other info you can offer. Beginner guitar player. String broke on me. No extras.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need to get some info on guitar strings. It is for an electric guitar. I need to know what brand, size and possibly any other info you can offer. Beginner guitar player. String broke on me. No extras.

I prefer Elixirs. They're coated to last longer (preventing corrosion from sweat + dirty and whatnot). They cost more, but they last longer.

If your guitar keeps breaking strings you are either playing too hard, tuning too high, or have a burr in the bridge. Play softer, get an electric tuner, and take your guitar to a guitar tech and have them "set up" your guitar and make sure it's properly intonated.

Between all that, you should have a wonderfully working guitar.

Start with lighter strings ( 9's ) and if the strings feel too "loose" than go up to a higher gauge. If you go up to a higher gauge, get your guitar set up again and reintonanted.

Good luck!


Slinky's aren't bad strings - they're just not coated. You should have no problems with them at all... just wipe them down with a cloth after every use and they'll be fine. -- Saul Report It

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  • eric s's Avatar by eric s
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  • if you are just starting to play, i would suggest buying whatever you can afford, most music stores sell indivual strings, so you can just pick up the on you need,

    in most cases they will even replace it for you if you ask, some might charge a small fee, but that is better than if you dont know what your doing, you could possibly break the string again if you wind it to tight

    I would recommend Earny Ball Super Slinky's. they are real like strings that should be easier on your fingers too. I usually keep at least 2 sets around, one on the guitar, one for "just in case". Also, I would recommend to get them at; they are fast and efficient. Right to your mailbox.

    You want good strings???

    Try some Dean Markley "Blue steel" for electric guitars
    and Dean Markley "Alchemy" for acoustic guitars. They have a great tone and last long. These are the only 2 I use on both my guitars.

    Good luck