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Question:I have been playing the piano for about five years now.. and I have just mastered Chopins nocturne op.55 no.1. am i doing well considering how long i've been playing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been playing the piano for about five years now.. and I have just mastered Chopins nocturne op.55 no.1. am i doing well considering how long i've been playing?

Sounds like you're doing fine. I am also a musician (guitar and piano) and I write and perform. I've been playing for over 45 years and am always discovering new techniques and musical ideas. Music is an ongoing ever-evolving craft. As long as you enjoy playing and constantly work at improving your art you can consider yourself successful. The amount of time it takes to get there is irrelevant. Congratulations on achieving your goal. And above else, have fun with it; enjoy what you do and don't worry about what level you're at.

Well done , very good.

your level one dear

5 years? I'd guess you'd be in the intermediate level now.

I guess you are doing very well. Dont forget Bach, Mozart & Bethoven too. I'm not a Pianist, but 5 years of playing Piano is nothing to laugh at...keep up the good work. Stick with it and you'll be very successful.

Dont forget once in while to play some Billy Joel to help
you unwind too. What's the point in playing Piano if you can't enjoy it?

Good luck

UMM, soon you will have a greatest hit...:)

Five years and playing Chopin?!

It's taken me ten years to get past grade 5!!!
That's what you get for having one ten-minute lesson every week with a school teacher on a poxy keyboard.

Thankfully I've now got a proper teacher.

You're doing great. Keep at it.

Good Luck.