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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How to get at least back to where I was on "Tomorrow"?

Question:OK, so I've been a die-hard "Annie" fan since I was four. I know the movies by heart, know the script, the book, the songs, etc., like the back of my hand. And while I wouldn't say I'm a bad singer, I could say that I've been OK.

Until this past week. I haven't done some major singing in several months, or much singing at all actually. So the other day I tried singing "Tomorrow" like I have so many times in the past, to beautiful results. But it sounds horrible! Awful! Nothing like it did! I get can't enough air, my voice starts squeaking and cracking horrendously... and to make it worse, I'm meeting my idol, the CHARLES STROUSE, in a week. Omigod, my older friend who knows him well thinks he'll want me to sing for him. But I can't if I sound like total crap! What can I do to drastically improve in that one song in a couple days, aside from practicing 40 minutes a day like I've been doing since Thursday?

Bri, age 15

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: OK, so I've been a die-hard "Annie" fan since I was four. I know the movies by heart, know the script, the book, the songs, etc., like the back of my hand. And while I wouldn't say I'm a bad singer, I could say that I've been OK.

Until this past week. I haven't done some major singing in several months, or much singing at all actually. So the other day I tried singing "Tomorrow" like I have so many times in the past, to beautiful results. But it sounds horrible! Awful! Nothing like it did! I get can't enough air, my voice starts squeaking and cracking horrendously... and to make it worse, I'm meeting my idol, the CHARLES STROUSE, in a week. Omigod, my older friend who knows him well thinks he'll want me to sing for him. But I can't if I sound like total crap! What can I do to drastically improve in that one song in a couple days, aside from practicing 40 minutes a day like I've been doing since Thursday?

Bri, age 15

When you practise, do you do warm up exercises? I found they really helped. Another thing you might try before you sing to help you with breathing, is drop your jaw, a little like you're yawning and take air right in, down to your diapragm. Remember, practising too much can put strain on your voice as well, so if you feel like it's not improving or even getting worse in a practise session, leave it alone and give your vocal chords time to rest.