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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What instrument do you play, or want to play?

Question:I want to play the violin.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to play the violin.

Trombone and Piano

wanna learn drums or guitar. thad b awesome

i play my penis pretty well

i want to learn how to play the piano.

Trumpet, guitar, Piano,

or literally anything i can get my hands on...
trombone, baritone, drums, weird percussion, vibraphone and more

I played french horn for three years. I know, embarrassing. Now I "try" to play Bass guitar.

i play clarient
but i think it would be awsome to play percussion

Flute, Alto saxophone, piccolo, piano. Want to learn how to play guitar.

I've played over 100 different instruments, including all the orchestral woodwinds except bassoon (which I've played but in private), all sizes of mandolin, guitar, banjo, shakuhachi, bin, caval, bombarde, cello, violone, rebec, saway, zither, and a lot of hand percussion and keyboards. And vocals.

So what do I want to play??? Gosh, can't answer that one :-)

Piano, or maybe the guitar, I guess the guitar is more practical than the piano, kind of hard to bring the piano out in the woods in front of the camp fire, but the piano sounds more beautiful.... hmmmm hard decision, I think I might learn both:)

piano and vocal

I play alto sax.

violin, a little guitar, and a little piano. and percussion, but that's easy.
I might like to play Cello, I don't know yet

I want to learn to play both the Guitar ( electric) and the portable Keyboard - that way I can take it anywhere. I am teaching keyboard to myself now, and it is going pretty well. I still have to get the guitar before I begin that.

I currently play fiddle, banjo and guitar, and a little bit of mandolin. I'd like to get better on mandolin, but to do that I need a more playable instrument than the one I have now.

I'm learning to play the guitar. And I'm teaching myself to play the piano.


I just play guitar. For 36 years.....

bassoon...i call it the bash oon playing sense 6th grade im in 7th now and i really wnt to get a scholorship for bassoon major or whatever

I play the piano, guitar, oboe, harmonica, and VOICE

I can play any saxophone or clarinet fairly proficiently. I prefer the lower instruments in these families. I know how to produce a fairly decent sound on flute, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, French horn, euphonium, and tuba. I can play all of the percussion instruments to various degrees. I can play a little bit of piano.
I'm also fairly proficient at the djembe, mbira, toy accordion, kazoo, human voice in soprano, alto, and tenor ranges, soda pop straws, glass bottles, and ten gallon pickle tubs.
I would love to learn how to play any stringed instrument at some point.

I play guitar. It would be cool to be able to play drums, synth, piano, etc. though.

Play: Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bari saxophones, flute, Piccolo, Clarinet, bass clarinet, Contra bass clarinet, piano, and I sing

Want to Play: Alto and bass flute, Eb Clarinet, Sopranino(sp?) saxophone, Bass Saxophone, Oboe, English Horn, Bassoon, Alto Clarinet, EWI!!! ... ANything woodwindie.

I play the piano but i would really love to play the cello because i like it's deep romantic tone.