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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What would be some good effect pedals for my bass guitar?

Question:I'm looking for some cool effects for my bass. I want to be able to play that wacky bass line with the crazy effects in the song "Schism" by Tool.

Anyone got any advice for some effect pedals?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking for some cool effects for my bass. I want to be able to play that wacky bass line with the crazy effects in the song "Schism" by Tool.

Anyone got any advice for some effect pedals?

Schism is an awesome song!! I know exactly what wacky solo you're talking about.

Justin uses a wah wah pedal, delay, and lots of distortion. He also sweeps the volume from low to high, while hammering the notes with his left hand. He manages to hammer, depress the wah pedal, and sweep the volume with perfect timing.

So anyways, you're gonna wanna get a wah pedal, a delay pedal, and a distortion pedal. Or you could go with one of those all-in-one things with mind boggling ammounts of features (I don't like them cuz I find them two confusing and I'd rather just have one pedal for each effect).

Go to your local music store where somone can help you out, and just try different pedals to see what you like. As previously mentioned, DON'T go to guitar center. It's cheaper than anywhere else, but the sales people suck, and clearly are not interested in helping you.

Check out Digitech, Zoom and Boss. They make some good pedals. See if you can go to a music store that has the pedals set up to try them out. Guitar Center by me has a set up like that in their guitar accessories department.

I don't know that song, but when I played bass (well, I still do sometimes) I got all the stuff I wanted from a Zoom BFX-708. It had more settings than I really wanted, and even worked as a tuner.

Boss bass synth or Moog Moogerfooger pedals
only ones you'll ever need

By the way never shop at Guitar Center... Revolving door of retarded ex musicians.

You'll get better help at a gas station.
Visit your local music store.