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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are some good guitars for beginners?

Question:I've been wanting to learn to play and was wondering. Should I start with a simple acoustic?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been wanting to learn to play and was wondering. Should I start with a simple acoustic?

Yes, most of the greats started with an acoustic.

But brands are a difficult question, since different people have different opinions--that's why there are so many brands. I love Ovation, but AFAIK most guitarists think they should be burned at the stake...

Here's what to do: go shopping at a decent store--either the best music shop in your town (the one that does band instruments and orchestral as well as rock) or a national chain (Sam Ash, Guitar Center)...try out several acoustics for "feel"--does the neck seem comfortable in your left hand? Does your right arm drape comfortably over the box and do the fingers of your right hand just naturally touch the strings?

If you can, take along a knowledgeable guitarist...

Then, after you have sorted out a few guitars that feel good, have your friend or the store clerk play each while you turn your back. The one that sounds best when your back is turned it the one you want.

Do not settle for a guitar from the stock room--insist on THA guitar--there is variance among the same make and model of acoustic, has to do with wood grain and glue drying and other intangibles.

One othe tip--get lessons to start. If you don't get your mistakes corrected early, you could form bad habits that could lead to limited playing or, worse, to carpal tunnel surgery.

yes, an acoustic is the easiest to learn.

The best guitar for beginners is one that cost you nothing,so you can give it back when you get fed up with it.Or try the Encore range,good quality at a good price.

I started with a classic guitar. A Yamaha C40.
Great for beginners, and it is still a favorite even after I became more advanced.
I also play electric and acoustic, but I found the classic was the best to learn with.

plenty of good choices here, but PLEASE buy from a music store and not target or walmart.

good choices include:
Fender cd60
Yamaha fg700s
Takamine Jasmine s35 or s33
Ibanez ijv50 Jumpstart pack or
Yamaha gigmaker deluxe or standard