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Position:Home>Performing Arts> B.C. Rich Masterpiece Mockingbird?

Question:I was thinking about getting a Masterpiece Mockinbird in transparent black, and I was wondering if it was a good guitar to buy, I want to know everything about it (ie. weight, sound, harmonics etc.). I also need to know if there was any other guitars for around $400 that i should consider.

I play alot of Slayer-Lamb of God- AC/DC etc.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was thinking about getting a Masterpiece Mockinbird in transparent black, and I was wondering if it was a good guitar to buy, I want to know everything about it (ie. weight, sound, harmonics etc.). I also need to know if there was any other guitars for around $400 that i should consider.

I play alot of Slayer-Lamb of God- AC/DC etc.

I will warn you now that BC Rich is considered a "poser" guitar amongst elitists and you may be mocked.

PS: I may be one of the people mocking you if you purchase this guitar.

I don't know, but Musicians Friend is a good place to get a good deal

and BC Rich is a good guitar