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Position:Home>Performing Arts> If I want to play Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, Who music, what guitar should I get?

Question:Telecaster? Stratocaster? Les Paul? Those are my three, not in order. Maybe play some Led Zepellin too.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Telecaster? Stratocaster? Les Paul? Those are my three, not in order. Maybe play some Led Zepellin too.

The model or brand of guitar isn't going to drive the particular sound you're looking for as much as the right pickups, the right amp/speakers, and the right technique.

A lot of the Beatles music is bright and chimy - a Vox AC30 or something similar would be right at home. Stones music, though, would require a whole different beast - I understand that Keith uses Fender for clean and Marshall for dirty. Hendrix used Silvertone, Fender, and then mostly Marshall later on. The Who ... well, simplistically it could be said that Pete used both Fender and Marshall (see the link below for more detail).

You've really got a wide, wide variety of music here, and a lot of it is actually quite different tonally.

For a very authentic tone (albeit somewhat limited) you might try getting two guitars (one more "stratty" and one more "les paul") and two amps (a Marshall and a Fender) and work out ways to use both guitars and both amps at the right times.

For a less authentic but more manageable tone, you can try modelling.

I would suggest running a multifx processor of some kind into a tube amp - even if it's something like an older Roland or Boss multifx into the Epiphone Valve Jr. You want a tube amp to sweeten and cloud up the sound a little bit so you don't sound too sharp or too digital. With a footswitch, you could then easily swap between settings that get close to the sounds you want with a minimum of work.

Each approach has its pros and cons - some people will accept nothing less than vintage gear, and some people are more than happy to get an approximate sound (and save a lot of money in the process!).

I'm not going to suggest brands of guitars, because you should only buy guitars that "fit" your hand, and work on upgrading your guitar from there.

The right pickups will make a huge difference - some Pearly Gates might be great for early Beatles work, while a JB or a PAF might be better for Stones, etc.

Good luck!


One that plays. The guitar does not make the musician sound good, the musician makes the guitar sound good. And I am darn sure that of those 5 groups/people, they used different guitars and not the exact same one.

gibson guitar

If it's just the sound and not the look you are after get a Variax.

If it's the look I'd go for the Strat and Les Paul.

Go to your local music shop and try them out. Which one plays best for you and gives you the sound you want?

If you really want advice, I'd say go for a Strat. Hope this helps

Thats actually a good question.
There is really no one better guitar (hendrix played a strat, stones used a variety, Page- the les paul, townsend- the SG, and Beatles used a variety of Strats and Rickenbacker Guitars.

play what you like after shopping. Sometimes using a modeling amp (line 6 spider or Roland Cube) will create a more authentic tone.

Les Paul.

strat is more twangy and bright. les paul if you want that honking sound of the hum bucking pick up with a marshall amp. modeling amps sux. its all in the pickup.

A Les Paul or Stratocaster, pretty much the two biggest guitars out there (NOT SIZE! Although the LP is rather heavy...)