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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Jennifer Holliday: Why did she turn out as a One-Hit wonder, with a voice like t

Question:Personal choice, I think, combined with her gospel sound that doesn't always carry over to pop (not everyone can be Aretha). There was even a time when she refused to sing "that song". And she lost all her weight and was unrecognizable as the Jennifer Holliday we knew from "Dreamgirls".

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Personal choice, I think, combined with her gospel sound that doesn't always carry over to pop (not everyone can be Aretha). There was even a time when she refused to sing "that song". And she lost all her weight and was unrecognizable as the Jennifer Holliday we knew from "Dreamgirls".

She's not a one hit wonder. She's just been busy on making her first album, which will come out sometime this year.

Politics man.. Politics! Just look at Global Warming!

She's a broadway performer. i think she retired because of some health problems. but with the movie being out and her being healthier now she's able to come back and do some more performing. as for her making an album i'm not sure.

First album? Not quite,

Check it out.