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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Cheap Electric Guitar Pack for a complete beginner?

Question:Ok i want an electric guitar pack that is under $300 but i want a guitar thats not going to brake easily. I dont want to spend much money because im not sure how much i will use it. I live in Melbourne metro and found 2 packs from westwood guitars 1 was a Cort pack and the other was a Kayne pack. Please let me know what brands you recommend that will be easy to play with good quality and a great sound. Please I Need Your Help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok i want an electric guitar pack that is under $300 but i want a guitar thats not going to brake easily. I dont want to spend much money because im not sure how much i will use it. I live in Melbourne metro and found 2 packs from westwood guitars 1 was a Cort pack and the other was a Kayne pack. Please let me know what brands you recommend that will be easy to play with good quality and a great sound. Please I Need Your Help.

Look for a Squier guitar (a Fender replica) and a small Fender or Marshall practice amp.

These will offer good quality, which is important because if you're stuff is rubbish then it'll sound rubbish and put it will put you off learning and practising.

Don't be shy to look for second-hand stuff.

Click on that link. They ship worldwide and are based in Germany, very reliable and great value.

I would recommend this for your price tag:

It is a good guitar for a beginner.

Theres loads out there?...but,dont waste you're money on unkown makes...go for Squier by Fender?...because its not much dearer and you can use it or sell it on...with no problem!...

I have a Fender I would be willing to sell you for 200 bucks amp neck strap and everything