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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Which is better, dancing or singing?

Question:Depends on whose doing which.

Ben Vereen dancing, Billy Ray Cyrus singing--dancing is better.

Ben Vereen singing, Billy Ray Cyrus dancing--singing is better.

(Just to come down on two performers who have done both with varying degrees of respect)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Depends on whose doing which.

Ben Vereen dancing, Billy Ray Cyrus singing--dancing is better.

Ben Vereen singing, Billy Ray Cyrus dancing--singing is better.

(Just to come down on two performers who have done both with varying degrees of respect)

depend on who's holding the gun

Guess that depends how who you top half or your bottom half feels when ya get up in the morning... LOL @;~} Seriously, both are very satifying emotionally, but you can't hear dancing... Good luck with that, sweetie.

I think singing is... cuz I'm a pretty good singer(everyone around me says, not me though, I don't think I'm that great). But yea, i think it's better... But then again, it all depends on whos doing it...


everyone is going to have an opinion on this
but when you combine dancing and singing together,
you can get good entertanment out of it.