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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Trumpet excersizes to increase range tone etc.?

Question:what would you recommend to increase my overall ability on the trumpet? anything in particular?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what would you recommend to increase my overall ability on the trumpet? anything in particular?

Mostly I'd recommend a good teacher. But outside of that a couple of good method books would go a long way. You could spend a lifetime working through an Arbans but I find it lacks some the range development required for a lot of modern trumpet playing. But for technique development there really is not substitute.

Other recommendations:

Clarke Technical Studies - basic training - like the army - character building!
Alan Vizzutti method books have some terrific range and endurance builders.

For tone the best thing is to just play long tones for hours on end focusing on making a really beautiful tone. Really, it works and it's also great for building endurance and range but most (including myself) can't overcome the tedium factor.

good luck!

Practice practice practice! that's the only thing that will help you get better. Lip slurs are good, and the best way to increase range is to try playing high or low notes, but mostly it's all about breath support. Or "toilet power, " as my friend Mitch's dad so elegantly puts it.

He came every year to our band camp to give the band the old "toilet power" speech. Basically, toilet power is what you use when you're sitting on the toilet, but it isn't working. As you try and try, you're using toilet power. That's the same concept you use to control breath as you're playing, so you use it to give yourself more power, which helps with range as well.

It's a funny analogy, but it works.

Range and tone are closely related as both can be improved upon with air support. Doing chromatic runs will help to improve your range, but don't try to squeeze it out by tightening your lips. Although this works, it won't help you increase your range. Just make sure to keep your throat open and put alot of power into it (as stated before me). Make sure to get a good breath before playing to support the notes. The more air that is moving through your horn the richer your tone and higher you can play. Our director refers to this as "butt breathing" because if you take the best breath you can you should feel it in your rear.
When doing chromatic runs just push yourself a few notes over what you can normally play and when you can play the note without difficulty (meaning without needing to work your way up to it or try more than once) push the chromatic a few more notes. The key is air support.