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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is Interlochen for me?

Question:Is Interlochen school of Arts for only gifted students or is it for people who are gifted and have the potential to be great?

I'm getting ready tos end my audition in and I am extremely nervous.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is Interlochen school of Arts for only gifted students or is it for people who are gifted and have the potential to be great?

I'm getting ready tos end my audition in and I am extremely nervous.

Hi there!
I'm an Interlochen Alum and MUST encourage you to send in your audition tape. The art instructors at Interlochen are just as interested, if not moreso, in potential as they are in talent. It's a matter of whether or not they can get you to where they want their grads to be by the time you leave. Also, you already made your tape so you might as well send it in!
Voice major, '05