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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Oboe trouble!!?

Question:I play oboe I started about december 10th and i can't hit an e natural, i can hit the F above and the E flat below but not the E, Can you help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I play oboe I started about december 10th and i can't hit an e natural, i can hit the F above and the E flat below but not the E, Can you help?

This may seem trivial, but double check your fingering. When I first started flute, I was sometimes wrong about my high octave fingerings. Even one misplaced finger will throw off a note.

hello felow double dont kno ur notes sry

Depends on what octave you're talking about. Typically F and C are the easiest notes for beginners to hit.

*For me to give you the best help, I have to see you play, which is obviously not going to happen. Make sure you're using the correct embouchure--find pictures online of proper oboe embouchure and make sure you're doing the same.
*Make sure you're covering the holes adequately and using the correct air speed.
*Make sure the reed is in good shape.
*Breathe from your diaphragm (your lower stomach) and use constant, steady air stream.
*Talk to your band director/private teacher/any veteran oboe players in your class and ask for help. They might see some technique problems that you're overlooking.

Last, after you've done all you can to fix what YOU'RE doing, take it to a shop for a once-over. You might have a pad or spring out of adjustment. However, I doubt it because you say you can reach the F and E-Flat.