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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I have to prepare a song for an audition?

Question:I am preparing for the part of miss Hannigan in annie (sorry if i didn't spell the name corectly.) and I am not the best singer i find it hard to sing sngs that have higher notes in them. if you could please recomend a song.

my last audition song was husabye mountain from chitty chitty bang bang


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am preparing for the part of miss Hannigan in annie (sorry if i didn't spell the name corectly.) and I am not the best singer i find it hard to sing sngs that have higher notes in them. if you could please recomend a song.

my last audition song was husabye mountain from chitty chitty bang bang


Miss. Hannigan is very much a belting vocalist, so definately dont do a broadway ballad. If you can sing on the correct pitch, you can belt. First, choose a song that fits both your personality and the personality of the part you are auditioning for. Try "When You're Good To Mama" from "Chicago". Yes, it is somewhat overdone, but this is an audition and you want to showcase yourself and your talents. That song would most likely be in your range. Once you have picked your song, its time to learn how to belt it. Sing the song once or twice through with my most annoying, nasal sound you can make, emphasis on the NASAL!!! Eventually you will want to tone down the nasal, but get a feel for it. Now, watch this video clip,( ) and play close attention to Idina Menzel's mouth. Try to emulate her method of belting out those higher notes, she has great technique. Last of all, be fearless, and have your own style. More times than not in Broadway productions you will be typecast. Let the director see that YOU are the type he wants for the part. Break a leg!

How about "For Good" from Wicked? It doesn't matter which part you choose because they are both pretty low.

well u either want an amazing vocal song or a really funny or upbeat song. some vocal songs would include: defying gravity, the wizard and i, somewhere over the rainbow, etc. but those songs have some pretty high notes. some fun songs include: popular, taylor the latte boy, etc. emotional songs would also help. it would show that you can sing and act. some emotional b-way songs i knw are for good, no good deed, and legally blonde (the original song)

Please don't do ANYTHING from Wicked.
Directors are sick of the "current musical."
Go to
They have a whole database of songs where you can find something to suit your voice and your age.
Good luck! :)

I agree with the song WHEN YOUR GOOD TO MAMA. It is so appropriate for Miss Hannigan. Or if you need something a little more known how about POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS from The Little Mermaid. or SCHROEDER from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown or even change STEPSISTER'S LAMENT into a solo for something of a twist. Break-A-Leg!!