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Question:i recently found some rust on my trumpet, and i want to remove it. hows it possible.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i recently found some rust on my trumpet, and i want to remove it. hows it possible.

Take it to a technician and let them do it.

Rust? On brass?

If you mean some other corrosion product or just gunk sticking to the metal, I suggest you buy some metal cleaning pads and gently polish it away.

If it is far gone, or affecting the action of the valves, get a good instrument repairer to have a look at it. If he can't help, then it's new trumpet time.

If you're comfortable doing this, use a strip of fine grit emery cloth and VERY gently remove the rust down to the bare brass. then gently buff with 000 steel wool. If it's on the bell, or other really prominent place, you will want to gently buff the spot with Brasso and a clean cotton cloth, like a cloth diaper for a good finish. Then clean with a clean cotton cloth first with water, then dry, and spray the spot with clear lacquer.

If the rust has eaten into the valve casing, better to take it to a good shop.

Try some vinegar. To see how easy it works, try it on a penny first.