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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can someone help me choose a monologue?

Question:Im trying to find a monologue to do for an audition into school of the arts.I need one that is around 14-20 in contemporary........dramatic, comedy , or seriocomic.Im having a hard time finding that perfect monologue so can you help me. Also I would prefer a monologue maybe not so well known and Shakespeare is off-limits

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im trying to find a monologue to do for an audition into school of the arts.I need one that is around 14-20 in contemporary........dramatic, comedy , or seriocomic.Im having a hard time finding that perfect monologue so can you help me. Also I would prefer a monologue maybe not so well known and Shakespeare is off-limits

about how long?

try eugene o'neil's works

pcik one you like.

Try one of Queen Gorgos' monologues from 300.