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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are those silver statue men called that you see in movies?

Question:In some tv shows and movies, there will be a "statue" that is in a park, etc., which is a person just pretending to be a statue and he is all covered in silver paint. I always think it's sort of odd and cool, but what do they call those guys who do that, and how did they learn to do that? How many are those in real life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In some tv shows and movies, there will be a "statue" that is in a park, etc., which is a person just pretending to be a statue and he is all covered in silver paint. I always think it's sort of odd and cool, but what do they call those guys who do that, and how did they learn to do that? How many are those in real life?

These people are mimes - sometimes they call themselves living statues. They seem to be everywhere anymore! I am sure that some of them have had legitimate theatrical training - and others who just dressed up, painted up, and headed out. In may places, you need a permit to perform (sometimes called busking) on the street or in a subway - so do not get set to do this unless you have checked into the regulations where you live.

I think you're referring to a gargoyle.