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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can i sing? Can i become famous if i sing in a music studio?

Question:Go to youtube and type in iruleeverywhere NO SPACE and watch my hello beautiful video

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Go to youtube and type in iruleeverywhere NO SPACE and watch my hello beautiful video

If you've got the talent, A&R will be able to recognise that without needing fancy production. To be honest, I'm sure scouts would rather hear what you're like "raw" - if you're good; you should be impressive in any setting.

Unfortunately, you lack the timing and tuning to become (as you put it) "famous". You need to work on timing and tuning - it sounds as though your tuning is suffering as you're singing so quietly. Take deep breaths, and use your diaphragm. Sing standing up too. Your voice is very nasal too, you need to work on the vocal timbre.

If you enjoy doing it though, keep it up!

You're not even hitting the pitches. Sorry.