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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Best way to learn guitar?

Question:I can't do lessons so what other ways are best to learn guitar? I like music like Iron Maiden, Metallica, Linkin Park, Guns N' Roses, Buckethead. What would be a good way to start so I could work my way up to playing stuff like that? People have said just play, but what do they mean by that? What kind of stuff should I "just play" Thanks. 10 points to most detailed answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can't do lessons so what other ways are best to learn guitar? I like music like Iron Maiden, Metallica, Linkin Park, Guns N' Roses, Buckethead. What would be a good way to start so I could work my way up to playing stuff like that? People have said just play, but what do they mean by that? What kind of stuff should I "just play" Thanks. 10 points to most detailed answer.

I would say "just play", but you're right, that answer doesn't help at all. I'd say start out learning chords, all the notes on a guitar, and tabs. You don't have to have lessons to become a good guitar player.

First, you HAVE to set a certain time of day, half hour-hour, of time that you only practice guitar. You have to set a time on it, or trust me, it probably won't get done. Then, find songs you want to learn and start slow, practicing picking, learning tabs, etc.

It would be good to buy some songbooks, and learn to play some of the songs, maybe in a simple way, but you're just learning. Once you know basic things, work on upping your skill level with each lesson, learn a new chord, play a harder picking song, teach yourself to pick faster, etc.

It just takes practice. Another thing, no matter HOW slow it seems you're learning, DON'T GIVE UP!!! Everyone had to start somewhere, even your most revered guitar heroes! They were once in your shoes, wondering what to learn!

I have been learning how to play the guitar and i learn by a book at the moment . I have herd that a lot of people learn by a book all the time that are famous at the moment. if you don't want to deal with lessons that is the best way to do it I think. The book i learn by is called guitar bible it works very well. But i bet there are better books out there though. I just got my guitar this Christmas and i can play descent already.

Without an instructor, I think the best way is to learn what chords/scales are used most with your favorite kind of music. I would bet that minor pentatonic scales would work for you. Search for them on google and learn to play them up and down the fretboard. Second, learn to read tabs and go to sites like and look for the artists/songs that you want to learn. Some tabs are as simple as showing you the chords for the song while others actually show individual notes for solos. But for starters, learn the chords to your favorite songs and practice scales like nobody's bussiness.

I learned on my own.

I bought Guitar World magazines, read the articles and lessons, and practiced 6 hours a day.

Haha, there isn't much more to it actually.

I'd reccomend you learn the neck tho man. Learn what notes are where. Know the neck.