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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you deal when you don't get the part you wanted?

Question:My high school is doing thoroughly modern millie, and I really want the part of Millie, and if not Millie, then Muzzy. Tommorow they put up the cast list, and I'd like to know how to deal with it if i don't get that part. Also, this is my last year in high school, and probably the last musical I'll ever be in, seeing as I don't want a musical career and I won't pursue it in college.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My high school is doing thoroughly modern millie, and I really want the part of Millie, and if not Millie, then Muzzy. Tommorow they put up the cast list, and I'd like to know how to deal with it if i don't get that part. Also, this is my last year in high school, and probably the last musical I'll ever be in, seeing as I don't want a musical career and I won't pursue it in college.

Personally I would play whatever part I did get to the absolute best of my ability. People get into dance and music because of the love and passion for the art not for the part or character they may portray.If this is your last performance then you should give it your all and go out knowing that you did your absolute best.

well you've done all you could, maybe if the other person is nice you could ask them to back down of course explaining this to them kindly or splitting the role with them ? if thats possible (IDK the play)
And it is possible to be in a play in college with out pursuing a career it's just if ur college specializes or has a good arts department it's just likely one of the artsy kids will get the role. and I find it hard to believe this is gonna be the last play in your school it's only January I hope you do get the part.

You can't always get what you want
No, you can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes
You just might find
You get what you need...

if i don't get a part i just tell myself "maby next time" or i just take whatever part i get and ask what i can improve on.

THERE ARE NO SMALL PARTS ONLY SMALL ACTORS. A part is a part. The bigger parts will follow someday. Just use all your facial expression when on stage and BE the part you are playing! People notice when you are putting forth an effort. and if you don't plan to be in anymore plays then just have fun with this part and don't worry about it.

As a musician who hasn't gotten several chair that I've auditioned for, I've somewhat gotten used to it. But, I remember a middle school band director of mine saying "if you don't get this one, it's because there's something better around the corner." That always kept me going to the next audition.

By all means, this role won't define you as a person.