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Question:Which has harder strings? Acoustic or Electric?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Which has harder strings? Acoustic or Electric?

Harder to play? Acoustic, although all guitar players should start out on acoustic, IMHO.

Actually harder? Electric since they are often nickel wound, and nickel is very, very hard. Acoustics are generally brass or bronze wound- much softer metal.

harder? its mostly the same. strings are different sizes, some acoustics have thicker guage strings. electric guitars are easier to handle, but either will hurt your fingers starting out.

Harder strings??? Electric does.

By harder I'm assuming you mean harder to play, or harder on your hands. It's easier to play an electric, but acoustic will develop your hands faster. Also, it is easier to switch from acoustic to electric than it is to start on electric and then switch to acoustic. If you mean literally harder, tougher strings, I'm not sure. I guess I'd say acoustic, cause I break them on electric a lot more (Oh no whammy bar!). But I don't know why you'd want to know that.