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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Hayley Williams Vocals? How do I practice my vocals?

Question:I love her voice, but how does she reach all those good notes!
like she sounds so perfect, in like harmony.
I can hit a couple, but than my voice just gets strained and I could sucky again.

a couple videos of her accoustic, live. beautiful eh?
Anyone know how she does it i mean its AWESOME HER VOICE! :O

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I love her voice, but how does she reach all those good notes!
like she sounds so perfect, in like harmony.
I can hit a couple, but than my voice just gets strained and I could sucky again.

a couple videos of her accoustic, live. beautiful eh?
Anyone know how she does it i mean its AWESOME HER VOICE! :O

I Love them! But as to your question. I don't know. If you browse around youtube I think there is a video singing success or something like that.
I don't know much about singing but make sure you aren't straining. you can develop these nasty things on your vocal folds that can make your voice sound raspy, airy, or harsh.