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Question:I have recently been trying to write songs, but am having trouble.
I know what I am writing about but I can't think what words to use in the song. And I also can't think of a good rythm for it.
Do I just need to practice? Help, please?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have recently been trying to write songs, but am having trouble.
I know what I am writing about but I can't think what words to use in the song. And I also can't think of a good rythm for it.
Do I just need to practice? Help, please?

If you're stuck on the lyrics then buy a theasaurus, you may be able to get more meaningful words for what you're trying to describe.
With the rhythm, first of all find a beat, then look at the lyrics and syllables, as well as the theme of the song (ie sad, happy) to decide on a decent rhythm.

It all depends on the sort of thing you're aiming at. Please give more details. Who do you admire Leonard Cohen, Cole Porter, Bernstein ???

We all get a rhyming block on occassion, head over to -

always helps me =)

Kind regards,

i have the same problem. I write the same kind of music.
Anyway, it might not be that you need practice. Your just thinking to hard. So before you get aggrevated at what your writing, step away for a day or so and clear your mind. then you might be able to think better when you pick it back up.
Oh and just write from your heart, not your head.

I do write songs. I don't really know where they come from. Sometimes I just fiddle about on the guitar and the lyrics come. Other times it's just an opening line in my head or a concept. The best advice I can give you is don't try too hard. Sounds silly I know but it works for me. Good luck Philip.

Why would you want to write a song, there are plenty of songs out there! Songs are old!!