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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you make noise/music with a glass?

Question:I've seen this and I've been amazed by this.... even in Ms.Congeniality, Sandra bullock prepares this as her final act one stage for talent... people just wave their hands over a wine glass with water or some liquid in it and it makes this really cool but eerie noise./ do you do that...
Like the lady in this video?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've seen this and I've been amazed by this.... even in Ms.Congeniality, Sandra bullock prepares this as her final act one stage for talent... people just wave their hands over a wine glass with water or some liquid in it and it makes this really cool but eerie noise./ do you do that...
Like the lady in this video?

It's harmonics. You have to have a paticular type of glass, thin crystal is best (red wine goblets) but you can also do it with a normal drinking glass. You need to wet your finger to glide it over the rim lightly. Not too much pressure or too much water, but enought to create friction. What your doing is causing a vibration that creates a sound inside the glass. The amount of water that's in the glass changes the tone. That is why in the movie she had different glasses at different levels.

It must be crystal glass... fill it with some water but not too much... different levels make different notes. Stick your finger in vinegar and rub it around the glass.

There was also a glass instrument that benjamin franklin made called the glass harp or something and that is even more beautiful and eerie.... hope this helped..

the friction between the hands and the glasses causes friction. You need to tune the sounds in the glasses to certain pitches by filling them with a specific amount of water.

It takes a good ear for music.

fill a wine glass with water the less you put the louder the sound.wet your finger and push it around the top of the glass i showed this to my son he loved it............

The glas needs to be christal

You just wet your fingertips and glide them around the rim. OK, honest, that wasn't supposed to sound dirty. Anyhoo, that's it. Varying degrees of pressure will help raise or lower the tone.

They are not merely waving their hand over the glass. They have moistened their finger and are gliding it around the edge of the glass. Having different levels of water produces the different tones. This works with crystal glasses. Some people play them by striking the glasses with a spoon to produce the different tones also

try moistening your finger and holding the stem of the glass in the other hand runyour moist finger firmly and evenly around the rim. use liquids in different amounts to change the sound. the best glasses are ones with lead in them like crystal.

Ive done this before by using a wine glass. Fill it half way with water and dip your finger in it. Place the glass on a solid surface and gently run your wet finger around the rim. Try different speeds. It makes a creepy ringing sound, but it is cool.

You are actually rubbing the rim of the glass. The friction this causes starts the glass vibrating at it's resonant frequency. The pitch can be changed by changing the amount of liquid in the glass.

oh yea i know how to do that its fun you need a glass make sure its glass fill it with water depending on how much with make the sound higher or lower then pop your finger in the waer till it proons makes it easier then circle your finger around the outside top of the glass like in the video that simple

you have to fill the galss up with water diffent amount cause diffrent sound
then press you fingure lightly not to much pressure onto the rim of the glass THIS ONLY WORKS WITH CRYSTAL WINE GLASS the soudn should resonate after the th2nd or 4rd time aroudn if your doing it right

Fill 5 glasses with different levels of water, then wet your finger and run it around the rim of each glass.

Use crystal glasses and fill em different hieghts with water and rub your finger around th top of the glass.

Certain styles of glass vessels, namely wine glasses, can be used to transmit a tonal resonance. Partially fill the glass with a liquid, and depending upon how full the glass is filled, a tone can be produced, by wetting your finger, and lightly rubbing around the lip of the glass with your finger, the speed and pressure that is used will cause the glass to vibrate, and a tone will be heard. Several glasses filled to different amounts, will produce different sounds/octives, if you were to accurately fill the glasses to produce musical tones. It's easy, but don't press too hard, the glass could break

Some of these answers above get it right, but not all detailed.

You can either blow into the glass, different pitch depends on water levels.


You can fill the glass with water, and again the pitch will vary depending on water level.(lots=high pitch, little=low pitch), wet your finger, and rub it around the rim, or lip, of the glass. You can do it fast to achieve a quicker sound, and a slow run around the rim will produce a gradual sound. and if you put more pressure on the rim, the sound will get louder.

Have fun!