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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you make your fingers stop hurting after playing the guitar?

Question:how do you make the hurting stop???? my fingers are red and hurting... ice wont help!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how do you make the hurting stop???? my fingers are red and hurting... ice wont help!!!

Wet your fingertips with rubbing alcohol and let it dry every night before bed. This will help the callouses develop faster. Also try not to push down harder than you have to. Hang with it and it will get better.

No pain, no gain.

Just let them rest. They should be better in a few hours.

Eventually, after a few weeks of diligent (if painful) practice, your fingertips will develop callouses and you'll be able to play guitar without pain.

You keep playing until you bleed, then you stop and deal with the pain until it heals.

Do that over and over until you get callusses.

Keep your fingertips dry as much as possible. Wear a latex glove in the shower and while washing dishes if necessary.

You'll have to endure the pain until the calluses thicken. After they thicken, the road to success will be sweeter.

It comes with time and work.

Mine bled for two weeks. I had to put two band aides on each of them and played with the band aides on.

After a while you get a permanent callous. I still have mine 5 years after I stopped playing.

Slow up on your practicing. Practice once every other day, and not for too long. Increase your practice time after several weeks. If it starts to hurt, STOP. If you get blisters before callouses, you won't be practicing at all.