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Question:i used to play the guitar like 2 or 3 years ago and i've decided to start playing it again, so i'm using my moms guitar but my fingers can't reach like all the chords and stuff(whatever you wanna call it) so i was wondering if theres like different sizes and how do you know what to buy?? oh and i'm using an acoustic guitar :D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i used to play the guitar like 2 or 3 years ago and i've decided to start playing it again, so i'm using my moms guitar but my fingers can't reach like all the chords and stuff(whatever you wanna call it) so i was wondering if theres like different sizes and how do you know what to buy?? oh and i'm using an acoustic guitar :D

Different guitar models do have slightly wider or narrower fingerboards. Classical guitars (the ones built to take nylon strings) have noticeably wider fingerboards than most steel-string acoustics -- 2 inches or more -- and the fingerboard widths on steel-string guitars can vary -- some are 1 11/16 inch wide at the nut, others are 1 3/4 inches or 1 5/8 inch -- depending on the maker and the model. But the difference between a 1 3/4" fingerboard and a 1 5/8" one is only 1/8", and the difference between a 1 5/8" one and a 1 11/16" one is even less -- only 1/16".

Depending on the size of your hand, you might prefer a slightly wider or narrower neck for the sake of comfort, but the truth is that an experienced adult-sized guitarist can adapt to these different sized fingerboards with a bit of practice.

How do you know what size guitar neck you want? You go to a good music store and play a bunch of different guitars and find one that feels comfortable in your hands, that's how :-)

If you're out of practice and just picking up the guitar again after not having played for a while, and you're having trouble reaching all the chord shapes -- the obvious answer is to PRACTICE and your hand will adapt and learn to make those finger stretches.

You shouldn't have a problem reaching and playing chords with practice. If dwarfs can play regular sized guitars, so can you.