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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Why do some denominations forbid the use of musical instruments in worship servi

Question:Do some denominations ban all music including acapella?

I do love acapella music, but why restrict worship service to voice music only?

Isn't it biblical to praise Him with instruments?

Didn't David worship Him with dancing too?

Whether you are in those denominations, or not, why do those denominations limit forms of worship to voice only? I can't think of any reason.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do some denominations ban all music including acapella?

I do love acapella music, but why restrict worship service to voice music only?

Isn't it biblical to praise Him with instruments?

Didn't David worship Him with dancing too?

Whether you are in those denominations, or not, why do those denominations limit forms of worship to voice only? I can't think of any reason.

They base their beliefs out of one verse taken out of text, 'to sing & make melody in your hearts unto the lord', that's how that got that , "whosoever believeth & is baptised shall be saved'' also. they dont regard the other part of that text.

Of course that religion was started by a digruntled baptist who was ticked off at the preacher about something not going his way, so you got to consider that too. He laid the ground rules, not God.

It is more case of culture than religion. Even people in one denomination in different continents sometimes does not like the others music. I know that Russian pravoslavnii( - don't know how to spell it.) ban all except singing. I am learning history and surprisingly in East Roman empire was more politic case than religion. Like the ban of icons and later removal of this ban - just to show politic power. But things like that makes traditions. And traditions last till they are totally forgotten.

Because they claim musical instruments (with the exception of the human voice) were not used in the New Testament....they actually were.

God wants you to worship and praise Him in whatever way you find most appropriate...whether that means in a praise band, church orchestra, choir, or just sitting silently and meditating.

I've been to a church like that. The denomination I won't say. I don't want to insult anyone but they think that the passage
"Do not add or take anything away from the Bible', includes instruments. We are not told to use them or told not to use them so they are 'being safe'
In my eyes and heart I think it's OK because the Bible speaks of instruments, beautiful music coming from them.
They in no way take away my reverence to the Lord when I am singing.

"Why can`t the world just live in peace with each other ?"

I can't come up with a Biblical reason either..........the Old Testament shows God's people using musical instruments of many kinds, and BTW - when Jesus returns it will be a TRUMPET that announces His arrival !!

Some groups are uncomfortable with instrumental music because they think it will create pride in the musicians (and I have seen that happen!). I have attended churches where the music was just plain too loud for comfort, and the musicians acted like they were running the "show", not attending a worship service.

Other people are just stuck in the past; like "organ music is holy but a guitar is not," or "hymns are ok but choruses are not" or "choruses are ok but modern music is not." In that case it's just their way of saying "Anything I personally like is OK, anything I don't like isn't "holy."" Which of course is a load of cobblers.

Personally I don't have a problem with any type of music, though a capella can be difficult to do well. You'd better have some training if you want to pull it off, and few people do. As long as the music is not the centre of the activity, as long as it's not used to manipulate people's emotions or "create an atmosphere"--as long as the service is about Jesus and God, not some famous speaker or singer--that's what counts.