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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is a good advanced music theory/composition book?

Question:I know basic theory(you know, equivalent to a semester in college, not much). I write alot of music but with little theory behind it. I'd like to study theory deeper, with the goal of becoming a better composer.

I write mainly symphonic/gothic metal type things, for my band. Besides that i am interested in classical, jazz, various different stuff...Nobuo Uematsu is my favorite composer. Don't know if that helps.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know basic theory(you know, equivalent to a semester in college, not much). I write alot of music but with little theory behind it. I'd like to study theory deeper, with the goal of becoming a better composer.

I write mainly symphonic/gothic metal type things, for my band. Besides that i am interested in classical, jazz, various different stuff...Nobuo Uematsu is my favorite composer. Don't know if that helps.

Book with cd:
"The Complete Musician"
Stephen Laitz

Theory and workbook:
"A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals"
William Duckworth

You can find an abundance of used books for a lower price as well.

same here. i've tried in music stores here but nothing usefull, try yours.