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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Of all the arts, which do you think is most important: dance, theatre, music, vi

Question:Which of all the creative arts has the most impact on humanity?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Which of all the creative arts has the most impact on humanity?

This is impossible to answer because they all have impact on humanity. Different people are emotionally touched by different mediums. There is no way to separate them out because if you even take one away, you are loosing a connection to a particular section of humanity.

The Deaf may not be able to enjoy Audio music, but they can enjoy art and dance. The Blind may not be able to enjoy visual art but can enjoy music. Also, people are just stimulated by different things. Humans need all the arts.

VISUAL! we see more images every day that possibly immaginable. ever piece of an image of every show on tv, on movie screens. every bill board, every advertisement, ever food label, every tshirt, images are everywhere.

All have a major impact, but if I had to choose just one, I would go with Music. Music shapes history.

musical, it doesnt matter the language the emotion of the song doesnt have a language, its universal, and a amazing

That is a very hard question. It all depends on the people of the culture and then the particular person. For me it would have to be Music. That can just set my mood and makes me calm down and forget about everything that is going on. I also like to hear music from different time periods and cultures. It sets a way to how people live/lived. I think Art also has that effect as well.