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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Who needs the opera house?

Question:Perhaps not everyone does but it is the one art form that incorporates all aspects. Someone writes the story, does the libretto, writes the music. The musicians and singers train for years not just in singing but in many languages. Their instruments are crafted, the scores organised and learnt. The sets are designed, built, painted.....props made and found. Costumes designed and made, wigs often made as well.This is only the tip of the iceberg. At the end of the day it all comes together. If you don't enjoy it I'm sorry but some of us do. To see one Opera that has all these elements perfected is life enhancing and unforgettable.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Perhaps not everyone does but it is the one art form that incorporates all aspects. Someone writes the story, does the libretto, writes the music. The musicians and singers train for years not just in singing but in many languages. Their instruments are crafted, the scores organised and learnt. The sets are designed, built, painted.....props made and found. Costumes designed and made, wigs often made as well.This is only the tip of the iceberg. At the end of the day it all comes together. If you don't enjoy it I'm sorry but some of us do. To see one Opera that has all these elements perfected is life enhancing and unforgettable.

I do - I love opera !

Have you heard VERDI's Requiem Mass.

Sorry I am a big
AC/DC fan

Andrea Bocelli for a start!

Absolutely love Verdi's Requiem. I am seeing it live in the spring. As for Bocelli, theres much much better out there. First of all, as Italians go, Pavarotti takes 1st prize. He really takes 1st prize overall. Bergonzi is one of my favorites as well. Domingo and Carreras are great too. My personal favorite tenor is Fritz Wunderlich, he has been my idol as a young tenor student, especially because I am more interested in German lieder and classical German opera than romantic Italian opera, although Italian opera is still wonderful. Joan Sutherland is a tremendous soprano, as is Renee Fleming and Beverly Sills.

Opera diva and divos, the Maestro, the orchestra, the audience

People who like opera. Like me.