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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is it possible for an adult to learn to play the cello?

Question:I've only heard of music lessons for kids. Do adults with no music experience ever learn to play an instrument sucessfully? Where do they go to learn?? I love the sound of the cello but I'm in my 30's and would like to know if I can learn to play.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've only heard of music lessons for kids. Do adults with no music experience ever learn to play an instrument sucessfully? Where do they go to learn?? I love the sound of the cello but I'm in my 30's and would like to know if I can learn to play.

Yes it's possible, we aren't dogs you know. We can learn whatever we want to learn. Now how well we learn is a different thing isn't it?
If you want to learn the instrument then go ahead darlin all you can do is learn. You can't fail doing that now can you?

very rare

Yes, try going to a music store that has private tutors to teach you. As long as your willing to know how to then you'll be able to learn.

ofcourse they cant... dont be silly

u cant teach an old dog new tricks? :D


it is possible. I've seen it before where i learn the piano.

yes but it is a little bite harder when you are and adult if you were 9 and learned it would of been easyer not that it is hard just adults have more on thier mind and kids have nothing to worie about but it will be fine go for it.:)

if you work hard study and practice what your trying to do and your and adult.... wait how about sure

Kids are remarkable, and easier to teach then adults. But you can do anything you want with practice. You will probably have to put more time into it then a small child, but with practice, and dedication anything is possible. It may take longer, but all it takes is more dedication, practice, and determination. The human mind is an amazing thing.

Not that age you really cant learn much,,,,,,At that age your stuck in your ways........Very hard headed<not one to take advice either good or bad......Mostly just wants to lay around and scratch and lick their balls.........Wait im sorry......I was talking about dogs..............Hope this helps

I started playing the piano when i was 30,six years ago and now I'm writing songs and putting them on youtube so it goes to show if you want and love something enough you can achieve it.Take a look at a song or two of mine if you get the time.
Good luck

Anyone can pick up any instrument at any age so long as there is interest and passion. Talent can be developed along the way.

After practice, you will definitely become successful. But first, determine your definition of successful. If it is to play a particular song that you like, I'm sure you will achieve it. If it is to play for a particular symphony or become nationally renown, then you'll have to step up your game to make up for lost time. However, I would recommend determining success by your own standards and your goals you wish to accomplish.

Good luck!

Uh, of course they can! Learning effectively does not have anything to do with age. Maybe you will learn faster when you were younger but there is no limitation to learn new stuff as we age. Practice makes perfect. It's how we become wiser- through experience.

Yes... adults can learn to play a musical instrument like the cello. However, they will never be as accomplished at it as other adults who learned and practiced it since they were a child.

yes yes yes yes yes.... anyone can do anything they set their minds to..

It's quite like learning another language... someone above me said to get a tutor... unnecessary unless you feel you can't learn on your own... i feel it's better to learn at your own pace than from someone elses pace...

I have learned to play the cello, and the violin, viola, bass, drums, trumpet, piano, french horn, cornet, you name it i've probably played it... it's not hard unless you make yourself believe that you can't...

and don't listen to negitivity... it's gross...

oh and if you need proof for this adults to learn how to play an instrument.. well my grandmother didn't learn how to play the piano untill she was 40... and then she could play a pipe organ at 49...

all you need is faith in yourself and keep your eye on the prize!!!

u can